European Micro Fantasia is the first European dance event fully devoted to Micro dancing! It’ll come back November 10th-13th 2023, in Berlin (Germany) ! Inspired by BAmF and MIST Connexion, we wanted to bring to Europe this wonderful movement.
What is Micro dancing?

Micro dancing is a form of dancing adjacent to fusion dancing. It is about making very small movements and enjoying the subtle and dreamy sensations. It is creating a delightful connexion with your partner. It is about responding fully to the music.
Who is this event for?
Micro is easy to pick up! From completely new to dancing to very experienced in one or multiple dance forms, you’ll be able to find a partner and share a beautiful moment.
This event will be friendly to everyone regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, age or ability. We ask our attendees to be excellent to each other.
Micro requires little movement and can be accessible to some people with limited mobility. We’d love to dance with you.
Who is organizing this event?
EMF is organized by Nis, Sarah, Nika, Nadja and Dane. Learn more over here.
What is the event going to be like?
We’re going back to our original format : classes during the day and party at night!
European Micro Fantasia is a value-forward event. We believe in consent culture and that dancing has no gender. We want to foster a safer environment that centers platonic dancing and an “everyone dances with everyone” culture.
Classes won’t be organized by gender, and learning both roles will be prioritized. People will freely choose the role they want to dance.
You’ll find our event guide here!