European Micro Fantasia is dreamt and organized by Nis (Copenhagen), Ouardane/Dane (Lyon), Nika (Warsow), Sarah (Lyon), and Nadja (Berlin). We thank previous team members for making EMF what it is : Lis and Kim.
This international team organizes a traveling event, and we aim to organize it each year in a different European city. To do that, we rely on the help of a local organizer, different each year!
We also need your help to make this event work! This is a non profit event, and we need volunteers to help be where we can’t be! If you’re interested, please contact us!

Nis has been moving to music their entire life, primarily doing gymnastics. In 2013 their dance interest exploded with American folk dance and over the last 5 years they have done more than 30 different kinds of partner dances. They enjoy exploring blending elements from different dances, and of their dances fusion and micro are some of the ones closest to heart, both as dance and as community. The European Micro Fantasia is their first major event and they are stoked about bringing more micro to Europe.

They’ve started dancing with salsa, and became a dance organizer only a year after starting dancing. They then branched out to many other dances and are very attached to fusion. They’ve been an organizer for years, starting with student life of their university, including the local salsa classes. More recently, they’ve helped run Yale Swing, Blues and Fusion, as well as organize the attached exchange ECX. They like fostering spaces where people can freely be their best selves. They put a particular attention on safety and have created the website After five years in the USA, they’re back in Europe and they’re really excited to bring more fusion there, especially some wonderful micro!

Sarah has always adored dancing and felt resigned to solo dancing in clubs until she was introduced to the partner dancing community in Colorado. Since then they have avidly pursued different types of dances, and currently enjoys exploring fusion, kizomba, and micro. Sarah is passionate about the joy and connection of dancing no matter what your skill level and aspires to bring this feeling to the dance floor.

Nadja lives in Berlin and practices martial arts, dance and bodywork for half of her life. She’s been dancing blues, but soon fell in love with Fusion. She also explored contact impro, contact tango, stango and zouk. She’s been an organizer for Bear Blues Exchange and Ice Bear Exchange in Berlin, and she founded Love Lite Blues&Fusion. She now organizesfusion in Berlin as a part of FireFlyFusion. She also loves playing music and has been a DJ for 10 years in Berlin and in festivals all over Europe.
Weronika/Nika (EMF 2019)

Nika loves dancing and moving to the music! She started with tango then tried a few more partner dances before finding blues and then – fusion. For Nika dancing is a connection, a unique conversation between people, bringing them together to create a unique beauty. It’s about freedom, expressing your uniqueness and feeling your body.
Lis (EMF 2018 / EMF 2019 / EMF 2020)

Lis (short for Alicia) has been partner dancing regularly since 2015 when she became hooked on blues dance. After over 4 years of dancing Lis still vividly remembers her first micro dance (Spain, Spring 2016) and she’s since travelled around Europe and the US to find magical micro dance moments. Lis has led blues and micro skill shares in Glasgow, Huddersfield, Bristol, Brighton and Poland and regularly helps out at UK events on care, decorations and set up teams. One of Lis’ favourite things about dance weekends are the friendships made when people from different places join to create something wonderful together. She can’t wait to dance with you all and share the micro love!
Kim (EMF 2022)

Partner dancing since 2010, Kim hopped between martial arts and dance styles for years before discovering the joy of fusion dancing. Kim been involved in teaching and leading events in dance communities in Australia, United Kingdom and Germany for eight years, most recently connected with the blues and fusion communities in Nuremberg.
She loves to dance and connect with new people, and enjoys figuring out how to blend different dance and musical influences in both in a partner and solo context. Particularly interested in how dance and associated communities can be supported and develop through the challenges in relation to Covid-19.